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Parents' Information

Sensory play with a pumpkin
Admission Ages


We are able to take children from 18 months until they reach statutory school age.


​Opening Times & Available Sessions
The Preschool is open between 9am and 3pm from Monday to Thursday in Somerset School term times. There are a number of available sessions for your child to attend, including:


All day:         8.30am - 3.30pm

Morning:      8.30am/9am - 12pm

Lunch:           12pm - 1pm

Afternoon:   1pm - 3pm/3.30pm


Please note sessions offered depend on availability.


For term dates please click on the button below:



Our hourly rates are as follows:

18 months - 2 years:   £5.30

2 years - 3 years:          £4.80

3 years +                         £4.40


Fees are payable monthly.


You can use your child's free early education and childcare entitlement with us. This government funding (currently 15 hours per week) is available for all 3 year olds from the term after his or her third birthday, we are also registered for the 30 hours entitlement for three & four year olds. Funding is available for 2 year olds in certain circumstances; please speak to a member of staff for more information. 


We are registered for the Government's Tax Free Childcare scheme and we accept childcare vouchers. Further information on these and the 30 hour extended entitlement can be found at: 



Our fees are reviewed on an annual basis.

Local Offer

For more information on our local offer, which details further information for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) please see the attached document below:

Covid-19 Information

During these uncertain times we ask that all parents observe the following rules which we have implemented to keep your children safe whilst attending our setting:

1. Your child must be 100% well at drop off time. If they have had any pain killer please do not send them in.

2. If anyone in your household is showing any symptoms of Covid-19 (temperature greater than 37.8 degrees, new continuous cough, or a change in smell or taste) please do not send your child to preschool unless you have had a negative test or carried out a 14 day quarantine period.

3. If your child shows any signs of being unwell, you will be called immediately to collect them from the setting ASAP.

4. Temperature of children will be checked if required and you will be phoned to collect immediately if your child's temperature is greater than 37.8 degrees. 

5. If your child is symptomatic, please get a COVID-19 test and update Andrea with the result ASAP so we can engage appropriately with the NHS track and trace system.

6. If your child has symptoms and you decide not to get a test, your child (and household contacts) may not attend preschool for 14 days after the onset of symptoms.

7. Please check your email regularly. If anyone tests positive the PHE health protection team will guide us re: further action which we will communicate with you via this route. We will update OFSTED as per government guidelines.

8. No soft materials, comforters or toys to come in to preschool

9. Children's hands will be washed a lot more frequently.

10. Staff will be restricted to Andrea (Manager) Helen (Deputy) Natalie (SENCo) and Gemma (Play assistant) and Liz Pallant (volunteer helper currently doing Level 2 in Childcare).  

11. On entry through the gate, use hand sanitizer then follow the new signs and one-way system at drop off and collection time. Walk around the track and abide by social distancing measures at all times.

12. Rucksacks and coats to stay outside (please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather conditions).

13. When meeting with a member of staff please abide by social distancing measures (>2metres)

Children will be encouraged and supported to cough into their arm, to wipe their nose and flush tissues away. We would be grateful if you could help us by encouraging this at home too.

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